


  与\(O\)相同,\(\Omega\)描述的也是不等关系:如果对于任一比\(N_0\)大的\(N\),存在\(k_1\)使得\(R(N)\geq k_1·f(N)\),有:\(R(n)\in \Omega(f(n))\)


  • \(R(n)=O(f(n)),R(n)=\Omega(f(n))\Rightarrow R(n)=\Theta(f(n))\)
  • 它用于分析算法的基本复杂度。例如,对于重复查找问题(\(duplicate-finding\)),有\(R(n)=\Omega(n)\),这说明该问题的时间复杂度最小不得超过\(n\)(因为每个元素至少要遍历一次)。




  \(e.g.\)There are two choices to feed Grigometh:

  • Choice 1: Every day, Grigometh eats 3 bushels of hay from your urn.

  • Choice 2:Grigometh eats exponentially more hay over time, but comes exponentially less frequently. Specifically:

    • On day 1, he eats 1 bushel of hay (total 1)
    • On day 2, he eats 2 additional bushels of hay (total 3)
    • On day 4, he eats 4 additional bushels of hay (total 7)
    • On day 8, he eats 8 additional bushels of hay (total 15)


  • On day 1, the average hay per day is 1.
  • On day 2, the average hay per day is 1.5.
  • On day 3, the average hay per day is 1.75.
  • On day 4, the average hay per day is 1.875.




  1. 选择一个耗费模型(\(cost\;model\))。
  2. 计算第\(i\)次操作后的平均耗费。
  3. 证明平均耗费以常数为边界(\(bound\))。


  • x.add(0) performs 1 write operation. No resizing. Total: 1 operation
  • x.add(1) resizes and copies the existing array (1 read, 1 write), and then writes the new element. Total: 3 operations
  • x.add(2) resizes and copies the existing array (2 reads, 2 writes), and then writes the new element. Total: 5 operations
  • x.add(3) does not resize, and only writes the new element. Total: 1 operations
  • x.add(4) resizes and copies the existing array (4 reads, 4 writes), and then writes the new element. Total: 9 operations





