3.4.Building a Datapath

\(3.4.\)Building a Datapath

1.Basic devices

  • Registers: It contains:

    • Two data words from the register file, and write one data word into the register file for each instruction.

    • An input. It specifies the register number to be read.

    • An output. It carries the value that has been read from the register.

    • To write a data word, we need two more inputs: one to specify the register number to be written and one to supply the data to be written into the register.

  • ALU

  • Immediate generation unit: In operations like addi x1 x2 10, the immediate number 10 is written in 12-bit offset in the instruction. So we need to sign-extend the number to a 64-bit signed value. The Imm-Gen does the job:

2.Basic phases of instruction execution

  The phases of instruction execution can be divided into 5 parts:

3.Implementation of different statement

  \(a.\)Add instruction

  The add is simple, we just get value from DataA and DataB, and calculate the result by ALU.

  To perform addi, we get one of out input from Imm-Gen rather than DataB. The source of Imm-Gen is from IMEM, from which we can get the instruction, and inst[31:20] is the immediate we want:

  \(b.\)load & save instruction

  To implement the instructions, we can add a DMEM to read or write data.

  • DMEM: It's input is Addr and outputs DataR. When in "read" mode, it gets information from the address. Else, it writes the information into the address:

  \(c.\)Branch instruction

  The basic form of branch instruction is beq x1 x2 offset. To implement this instruction, we must compute the branch target address by adding the sign- extended offset field of the instruction to the PC. There are two details in the definition of branch instructions to which we must pay attention:

  • The instruction set architecture specifies that the base for the branch address calculation is the address of the branch instruction.

  • The architecture also states that the offset field is shifted left 1 bit so that it is a half word offset; this shift increases the effective range of the offset field by a factor of 2.

  If the branch condtion is true, the branch target address becomes the new PC, and we say the branch is taken. Else, we say the branch is not taken.

  We first get the address of PC+4 and branch through this struction:

  To select from multiple address, we use a multiplexor and control signal

  Combined with the previous struction, we get this design:

  \(d.\)jal & jalr instructions

  jalr does the following things:

  1. Set PC=Reg[rs1]+immediate

    • Uses same immediate as arithmetic and loads. No multiple by 2 bytes!
  2. Set PC=PC+offset

    • Since the offset is calculated by ALU, we connect the output of ALU with input of PC.

  jal does the following things:

  1. Save PC+4 in Reg[rd](namely DataD)
  2. Set PC=PC+offset

4.Datapath control