9.1~9.3.VM Address Space

\(9.1 \sim 9.3\)VM Address Spaces


  • Each byte has a unique physical address(PA).

  • VA: Virtual Address.

  • The activity of transferring a page between disk and memory is known as swapping or paging.

  • Pages are swapped in(paged in) from disk to DRAM, and swapped out(paged out) from DRAM to disk.

  • The strategy of waiting until the last moment to swap in a page, when a miss occurs, is known as demand paging.

  • An address space is an ordered set of nonnegative integer addresses:

    • If the integers in the address space are consecutive, then we say that it is a linear address space.

\[ \lbrace 0,1,2, \cdots \rbrace \]

  • A virtual address space with \(N = 2^n\) addresses is called an n-bit address space.

  • At any point in time, the set of virtual pages is partitioned into three disjoint subsets:

    • Unallocated

    • Cached

    • Uncached

2.DRAM Cache Organization

  \(a.\)Page tables

  • A page table is an array of page table entries(PTEs). Each page in the virtual address space has a PTE at a fixed offset in the page table.

  • The valid bit indicates whether the virtual page is currently cached in DRAM.

    • If the valid bit is set, the address field indicates the start of the corresponding physical page in DRAM where the virtual page is cached.

  \(b.\)Page hits

  • The address translation hardware uses the virtual address as an index to locate PTE 2.

  \(c.\)Page faults

  • The page fault exception invokes a page fault exception handler in the kernel, and it selects a victim page. In this case, it's VP4 in PP3.

  • If VP 4 has been modified, then the kernel copies it back to disk.

  • The kernel modifies the page table entry for VP 4 to reflect the fact that VP 4 is no longer cached in main memory.

  • Next, the kernel copies VP 3 from disk to PP 3 in memory, updates PTE 3, and then returns.

  • When the handler returns, it restarts the faulting instruction, which resends the faulting virtual address to the address translation hardware. But now, VP 3 is cached in main memory, and the page hit is handled normally by the address translation hardware.